Having been to many hospitals and have seen the UNNECESSARY Stress and rigor and sometimes, death that patient go through just to get treatment or to even see a doctor, Smart technology has created a Seamless, efficient and very effective Administrative Management Application uniquely created for hospitals and Health Clinics.
The application creates a simple flow of activities from the point that a patient opens the hospital gate to the point that he/she gets treatments completed and is discharged. The systems are classified into
Indoor and outdoor patient with virtually all the departments in the hospital which can be added or removed depending on the hospital needs.
Our Hospital Management App. have the following features:
- Patient Profiling (Biometric and manual profiling)
- General Store/inventory Management System
- Doctor/ Staff Profiling System
- Pharmaceutical Store operation Systems (Synchronizing with Doctors, Nurses, Radiologists etc)
- Hospital Billing System (HMO and Special Patient offers Inclusive)
- Patient History Development and Treatment Schedule system
- Online/Offline Treatment Booking System
- All diagnosis Tracking System
- Laboratory Test Management System (Synchronizing with All Doctors Desk) etc
1. Patients will not need to carry Files from one desk to another to get the services that they can get at on desk. A typical hospital operation requires that a patient gets registered, Obtains an OPD card and goes to see a doctor who diagnoses the patient and writes prescription. All the patient needs to show the doctor is an ID number on the system and every other information will be generated automatically having been registered. This saves time and lives in most cases.
2. The patient has the liberty to book appointment online with his/her doctors before coming. There is also provision for home diagnosis or online diagnosis in which case the patient do not need to come to the hospital
3. The process of accounting and record keeping is digitalized removing errors and time wastage in looking for patient file. In developed countries, all that the patient needs to be treated immediately is his/her fingerprint, so even if the patient is unconscious, his records can still be read and treatment administered as required. Our Application provided an Automated Biometric Patient identification and verification system which is able to identify a patient even if he/she is unconscious. This is also link to patient NIN and IPN.
4. Our application provides a life sustaining and failure prediction embedded intelligence for patient on emergencies or critical condition. This aids diagnosis and provides possible guide to current condition using a Meta of patient diagnostic history via Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Techniques. Doctors and Nurses can quickly Check up patient last date of treatment, triggers, reaction to drugs and vital pointers during emergencies.
5. Security: Our System provides highly effective and well secured security architectures for all level of administration using a 4th degree encryption and Data tenografics sequences. This ensures that only authorized users can access certain information about the patients and only when this is absolutely necessary. For instance, patient information will not open except if the patient is actively in the system. This ensures that patient’s data are most currently protected.
The application is usually installed in a network framework or designed architecture consisting of 15 to 30 systems depending on the capacity of the hospital. The application can take as much as 50 systems running on IBM-H2 server (at least 2 terabytes, 32 GB RAM 2 Dedicated AMD processors and exterior Cooling system). We prefer Cable Network than Wireless network do to the topology of many hospitals except where eternal network Dishes are used.
The application is usually licensed for one year at the end of which a renewal and update will be required.